Best Facilities Can Provide an Alarm Response Service supplying mobile patrols to business.

All of our security staff are fully SIA licensed. We can provide specially trained security officers for a fast, rapid response service to intruder alarm activations for commercial premises, in fact we can arrive at your premises within minutes of your alarm activating.

With our experience in the provision of patrol and response services, we have the necessary expertise to help you reduce risks within your business, protecting your property, assets and providing a safe & secure environment. You can have the confidence that your premises are entirely safe.

Best Facilities Can Provide an Alarm Response Service supplying mobile patrols to business.

Having to respond to an alarm activation is usually inconvenient and always stressful. What’s more, answering a call-out can be dangerous for you and your staff. You don’t need this hassle and burden.

Our alarm response service puts us in the middle. This means we can take on the inconvenience and the danger 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Key Holding

Our keyholding service operates to BS 7984 code of Practice, ensuring any keys or access system details provided to us are kept under strict security standards, meaning only those authorized to access your property are given the keys.

We take the risk and stress out of keyholding responsibilities with trained and vetted Security staff responding on your behalf, to your property or single access point, working to your instructions.

  • Forgot to lock up at the end of the day?
  • Staff working late or need to be in early?
  • Office party hangover prevents you driving?
  • 10th False alarm call in as many hours driving you to despair?
  • Or you’ve simply locked yourself out.

Whatever the reason, how often you need it, our keyholding service offers you the piece of mind that whatever the situation, we will handle it. Full reporting, tracking and asset accountability is provided every step of the way, with our vehicles, officers and your keys tracked in real time. Meaning for every visit to your premises by our officers you are provided with full and detailed reports.

Our control room Staff and Alarm response drivers have many years experience dealing with all types of Alarm systems, companies and monitoring centres. We are more than happy to work with any existing Alarm, CCTV or Monitoring company you may already have as one of your approved first contacts or key holders.